Research and innovation are complex, especially when their purpose is to develop products to improve quality of life. Tantiv4 has always been dedicated to leveraging our expertise and knowledge to develop innovative products that provide modern solutions for our customers.
This commitment led us to create REZRV, an advanced solution for managing Wi-Fi through its user-friendly interface. While we are proud of being innovators, we also understand that our business is still growing. REZRV can use all the support it can get, and for this reason, we launched a REZRV on Kickstarter event.
This blog will help you understand what the event is about, how you can support us, and how we will use your support to offer even better results in the future.
REZRV on Kickstarter
We have started crowdfunding for REZRV on Kickstarter because we want to push ourselves towards the next step, successfully creating logistical channels to provide you with the product. Tantiv4 has already researched and commercially developed the hardware and software for REZRV, and we are proud of what we can accomplish.
However, we are still growing as a business, and finalizing mass production and creating optimized logistics requires financial support, which is why we are reaching out to you. You are the ultimate beneficiary of this technology and have a stake in its success as well.
How to Support Us
There are several ways you can support us within the Kickstarter event for REZRV, the first of which asks only for your pledge of support without financial contributions. However, if you decide to support us monetarily, you can get:
- Priority support
- Special launch prices
- Tantiv4 Netsmart REZRV Routers
- Netgear R7800 router with REZRV
These are only some of the benefits we are offering to our supporters, and your benefit for helping us depends on which support package you choose. You can find details for all support packages on the following link, so please check them out:

Why Your Support Matters
There are several reasons why your support matters to us, the most prominent of which are mentioned below:
1. Create a Sustainable Service
Receiving your support will help create a sustainable system of providing our products and services to you on time. Our goal is to use the support you extend to invest in infrastructure to ensure the business remains a going concern.
2. Research and Make Improvements
While REZRV uses the latest technology for Wi-Fi management, technology continues to improve every day, and we intend to keep improving as well. We intend to invest the funds raised on Kickstarter in studying the field and making changes to improve our products and service.
3. Uphold Innovativeness
We pride ourselves on having a creative and innovative team, but we need resources to continue adding more innovation to our REZRV business. Your support will allow us to achieve this goal and provide you with the best service possible.
Wrapping Up
In a nutshell, our REZRV on Kickstarter event aims to obtain your support to ensure we create a business that offers you the best possible quality and innovative technology. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions, and our team will respond as soon as possible.